ESPA Act “Modernization and Promotion of the National Archaeological Museum with the Use of Computer Science and Communication Technologies”

The Act “Modernization and Promotion of the National Archaeological Museum with the Use of Computer Science and Communication Technologies” was incorporated in the Operative Program “Competiveness, Business Growth and Innovation” (ΑΔΑ:ΨΤ5Μ46ΜΤΛΡ-3Μ5) of ΕΥΔΕΠ ΕΠΑνΕΚ with the code number MIS 5076583 on 18th May 2021 and will be completed on 31st May 2023. It is funded by the European Union (ΕΤΠΑ) and Greek National Resources through relative public funds programs (ΠΔΕ). The preparation study for the implementation of this Act was approved with the Ministerial Decision prot. no. 36521/29-01-2021 (ΑΔΑ: 9ΦΚΚ4653Π4-ΔΙΔ).

The National Archaeological Museum is the Public Service responsible for the implementation of this Act.
The Act consists of two sub projects:
Sub project 1: Conservation and Documentation of the Museum Photographic Archive, which is implemented with supervision by the Museum (ΑΔΑ: ΨΒΞ84653Π4-ΩΦΤ),
Sub project 2: Digital Updating of the National Archaeological Museum with the use of innovative Computer and Communication Technologies, which is to be implemented after an international open public procurement tender (

The goals of the overall ESPA Act – Work are the following:

1) Upgrading of the existing computer and digital infrastructure of the Museum, so as to support digital applications for visitors.
2) Conservation, preservation, documentation and digitization of the Museum Photographic Archive.
3) Development and implementation of applications for visitor service, e.g. QR Code guides for important exhibits.
4) Creation of education-orientated applications, such as the production and organization of educational programs (with educational packages) for schools visiting the Museum (physical and virtual visits).
5) Virtual tours of Museum Collections through selected exhibits.
6) Thematic tours for all visitors with the use of portable guides.
7) Information flow on Museum activities for the public through social media.
8) Installation and growth of Museum information centers (Museum evaluation by the visitors, e-cards, newsletter registration).
9) Museum website interconnectivity.
10) Installation of digital information system in the Exhibition areas.
11) Installation of online broadcasting platforms for Museum activities.
12) Development of applications for thematic tours.

Our visitors may follow updates on our journey towards the presentation of this work, once completed, to the national and international community through the National Archaeological Museum website and social media.

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